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Sertakan informasi Nama dan alamat lengkap (untuk pengecekan ongkir) RESELLERS ARE WELCOME Bagi Ibu-ibu sambil nungguin anaknya sekolah, yuk mari jualan flashcard. Tambah uang saku anak, sekaligus mencerdaskan anak-anak. Let's Celebrate Moon Cake Festival!! This year it comes at Sept 11th, 2011 Western Calendar or the 15th of August in Chinese Calendar. The contingency theory of organizations donaldson pdf free printable What is the meaning behind celebrating Moon Cake Festival? It is actually came from the folk-story about 'Zhong Qiu Jie' First lady on the moon: It is generally conceded that Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut, was the first man on moon ( he made that historic landing in 1969).

But that's not necessarily the truth to Chinese, who believe that the first people on the moon was a beautiful woman who lived during the Hsia dynasty (2205-1766BC) This somewhat complicated moon-landing story goes like this: A woman, Chang-O, was married to the great General Hou-Yi of the Imperial Guard. General Hou was a skilled archer. One day, at the behest of the emperor, he shot down eight of nine suns that had mysteriously appeared in the heaven that morning.

His marksmanship was richly rewarded by the emperor and he became very famous. However, the people feared that these suns would appear again to torture them and dry up the planet, so they prayed to the Goddess of Heaven (Wang Mu) to make General Hou immortal so that he could always defend the emperor, his progeny and the country. Their wish was granted and General Hou was given a Pill of Immortality.

This festival is also known as the Moon Cake Festival because a special kind of sweet cake (yue bing) prepared in the shape of the moon and filled with sesame seeds, ground lotus seeds and duck eggs is served as a traditional Chung Chiu delicacy. Nobody actually knows when the custom of eating moon cake of celebrate the Moon Festival began, but one relief traces its origin to the 14th century. At the time, China was in revolt against the Mongols. Chu Yuen-chang, and his senior deputy, Liu Po-wen, discussed battle plan and developes a secret moon cake strategy to take a certain walled city held by the Mongol enemy. Liu dressed up as a Taoist priest and entered the besieged city bearing moon cake. He distributed these to the city's populace. When the time for the year's Chung Chiu festival arrived, people opened their cakes and found hidden messages advising them to coordinate their uprising with the troops outside.

To celebrate this sighting of the moon, red plastic lanterns wrought in traditional styles and embellished with traditional motifs are prepared for the occasion. It is quite a sight to see Victoria Park in Causeway Bay, or Morse Park in Kowloon, alight with thousands of candlelit lanterns. These 'Lantern Carnivals' also occur spontaneously on most of the colony's beaches.

The lantern are made in such traditional shapes are rabbits, goldfish, carps, butterflies, lobsters and star-shaped fruits. However, in modern Hong Kong you will also see lantern in the shape of missiles, airplanes, rockets, ships and tanks. In Chinese mythology, the butterfly is the symbols of longevity and the lobster the symbols or mirth.