Liquid Glass Repair Cracked Block

See if your aurto parts store carries a brand that looks like aluminum particles (powder). I can't think of the brand right now. Anyway you pour it into the radiator when the engine is hot and running. The powder melts and circulates with the coolant.

What is the best head gasket sealer for your vehicle? BlueDevil is an authentic and inexpensive solution to fix a damaged head gasket without throwing an arm and a leg. On the hindsight, this product is liquid 'gold' for the minor leaks. It is an emulsion that settles into three bands: green antifreeze on the bottom, brown (less viscous than oil) liquid in the middle, and then the frothy brown on top. I kept a bottle of it to show any other shops we check out. Good to hear that the cracked block is a rare occurrance.

When it finds a crack it leaks out and hardens as soon as the the air hits it. The crack will continue to fill until it fills the crack and after a couple of heat/cool cycles the leak will stop. I just used it on my 8N Ford tractor this spring.

It seems that I didn't keep the antifreeze concentration up on it and it froze and developed a hairline crack right next to a soft plug. Put the powder in and after a few minutes of run time the leak stopped. I think one problem is most of this stuff doesn't work well in rusty older motors especially if they are running high pressure caps. If its on a relatively flat part of the block smooth off the high spots clean the rest down to bare metal,drill and tap for one or two 5/16 studs in the area of the crack. Groove out the crack a bit with a die grinder to make a channel.

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Then use a heavy washer like whats left from a hole cut in 1/4 or 3/8 steel plate or in the case of 2 studs, a piece of flat stock that overlaps the crack area. Locktight the stud. Fill the groove and cover the plate or washer with Black RTV gasket maker a let it set up for a couple hrs. Don't over tighten it when you install it. In the pickup with a 6,there should be room to do this with a shortened drill bit.

Unless it's behind the steering box.It's good with this method to look at another block before drilling if possible to make sure you don't drill into a cyl liner or oil passage on yours. Click to expand.side note: I've had this work on a couple of dirt track and endurance race cars. Developed pinhole to a little bit larger than pinhole sized holes in the radiators. Open the rad, drop in one whole small tin of pepper, close it back up. After a minute or two of running the car in the pits, the leak stops. Have had that fix last for 12 hours of road racing at one endurance event. Always best to have the rad fixed asap as you dont know when it will let go, but as stated it will get you home.

Click to expand.I've heard it Called Egg sealer. I was a teen when I heard it I thought it was made from eggs I actually put a dozen eggs into a pontiac 350 with a bad head gasket once. I was about broke anyway and had to get to work. It kept blowing the water out before it even warmed up i said what the heck and out a dozen eggs in with the radiator water and it really did seal it up.' I drove it without a problem for about 2 months and the leak returned after it sat undriven for a few weeks. See if your aurto parts store carries a brand that looks like aluminum particles (powder).

I can't think of the brand right now. Anyway you pour it into the radiator when the engine is hot and running. The powder melts and circulates with the coolant. When it finds a crack it leaks out and hardens as soon as the the air hits it. The crack will continue to fill until it fills the crack and after a couple of heat/cool cycles the leak will stop. I just used it on my 8N Ford tractor this spring.

It seems that I didn't keep the antifreeze concentration up on it and it froze and developed a hairline crack right next to a soft plug. Put the powder in and after a few minutes of run time the leak stopped.

Blown head gaskets, engine block and cylinder head cracks tend to occur in very hot areas. Such cracks usually aren't very wide (usually less than a millimeter), but are often just wide enough for water to steam through or hot gasses to enter the cooling system.

A certain amount of the coolant flowing through the crack gets converted into steam upon exiting the system, leaving behind molecules of liquid glass in the crack. The extreme heat inside that crack melts the liquid glass molecules, helping any subsequent molecules stick together and form a solid sheet of glass. Sodium silicate is very easy to use; you simply dump it into the radiator and run the car for 15 to 20 minutes or however long it takes to seal the crack (whichever comes first). You must thoroughly flush the cooling system immediately after treatment to keep the liquid glass from building up where it shouldn't. Although many block repair products bill themselves as permanent, the reality is that liquid glass repairs often last between two and four years without reapplication of sodium silicate to repair cracks in the patch.

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