Mta Script Editor Download

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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Starting To start the editor, simply click the 'Map editor' menu item in the main MTA menu. Menus Once the editor has started, you are presented with two menu bars: the main menu at the top, and the element menu in the lower left. Main menu These are the buttons in the main menu: • Create a new map. • Open an existing map. • Save the map you're working on. • Save your map under a different name.

• Alter general map editor settings. • Undo the last action. • Restore the last undone action. • Stored game world locations. The editor comes with a great list of San Andreas Interior locations but you can also add your own interior and non-interior locations to the list.

• List all the elements the map contains (objects, vehicles, markers, pickups etc.) • Map specific settings, like time of day, gravity etc. Here you can also specify what gamemodes the map is compatible with. • Load that you want to use. • Go into play mode to try out the map. This will load up the gamemode the map is made for. Element menu The element menu is used to add new elements to the map.

• Create a new vehicle. • Create a new object (buildings, roads and other scenery). • Create a new pickup (health, armor, weapons and custom). • Create a new marker (checkpoint, ring, cylinder, arrow and corona).

• Select world object. Additionally, if you have, you can roll the mousewheel in this menu to bring up custom elements. Using the editor This section explains how to create and modify maps. Windows server 2008 r2 iso download. Moving around the map When you initially start the editor, you are in camera mode.

You are able to use the WSAD keys to move the camera and the mouse to pan the camera. While moving around, you can hold ALT to move more slowly or SHIFT to go faster. To access the editor's interface and control panel you need to switch to cursor mode. You can toggle between cursor mode and camera mode with the F key. When in cursor mode, your view is fixed, and you can use the mouse cursor to manipulate elements and use the graphical interface. Camera mode can be recognized by a crosshair in the center of the screen.

You can use it to select and move elements just like in cursor mode. • Click the Definitions window and add the resources of which you want to use the custom elements.

These will consist of the gamemodes you selected in the Map settings window, plus eventual additional resources. For more information about editor definitions, see. Click OK when you're done. Creating new elements Adding elements to your map, such as vehicles and objects, is very straightforward. • If you are in camera mode, switch to cursor mode first by pressing F.

• Click the button in the element menu that represents what you want. E.g., click the button with a car on it to add a vehicle. • A new element of the selected type will be created and attached to your cursor. Move it to the location where you want it and left click to drop it off. Selecting • Left click an element to select it in keyboard mode. • Right click it to select it in mouse mode.

• Press the Spacebar or click in an empty area to deselect. The selected element, if any, is denoted by a yellow cone marker.

Elements (particularly objects) with poor collisions can be detected easier by enabling High sensitivity mode, by pressing the E key. This increases detection at the expense of accuracy. The Current elements dialog can also be used to select elements. Double-clicking an item within the list will select it in Keyboard mode. Moving Moving elements can be done in several ways.

With the mouse • Simply drag and drop with the left mouse button. Or: • Select the element in mouse mode ( right click), move it to where you want it, and click to drop it off. You can also adjust the Hold distance of an element toward and away from the camera by switching to camera mode, right clicking the element, and rolling the mouse wheel. With the keyboard • Select the element in keyboard mode ( left click). • Use the arrow keys to move the element in the horizontal plane, and PgUp/ PgDn to move it vertically.

Hold ALT to decrease the movement speed, or SHIFT to increase it. By default, elements move relative to the camera and are not locked to any axes. This can be disabled in the Options menu.

Rotating With the mouse You can rotate selected elements around the Z axis with the mouse wheel. • Select the element in keyboard mode ( left click) and roll the mouse wheel while holding Left CTRL. Or: • Select the element in mouse mode ( right click), hold CTRL, and roll the mouse wheel.