Neighbors 2014 Dual Audio Robocop Costume

Oct 30, 2013 - A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house. Director: Nicholas Stoller.

Welcome to the only complete listing of USA audio described commercial videos! This is a USA-only listing, and Canadians sometimes find DVDs listed here do not have description in Canada. Or or On this page we list details about all the first-run movies* in the USA that were released with audio description tracks on DVDs and Blu-ray discs in 2014, along with links to purchase them via Amazon. Purchasing them via our links helps pay for this website! (* We also list TV series on DVD and a few special-interest releases, but no educational products and rarely special-order features.) Audio description on a disc is listed under Languages on the back cover as English Audio Description, English Descriptive Audio, or English DVS.

Director's Cuts or Unrated versions sometimes do not have description. Special Features rarely contain description. Aerosoft tahiti torrent. Your best bet is to order/watch the theatrical version when available and order via Amazon, not their Marketplace sellers. While we typically link to the DVD disc on Amazon, generally the Blu-ray versions of DVDs listed here since the fall of 2009 also have description. Simply follow the link provided within Amazon to the Blu-ray version, if you prefer that format.

NOTE: Amazon almost never lists the availability of audio description on their videos, but our links should take you to described copies!