New English File Advanced Test Unit 1

New International Business English UNIT 4 Summaries, notes, reports Vocabulary EXERCISE 1 Choose the best word to fit the gap. 1 Printix are offering us a 15% on all orders over $1000. A interest B replacement C discount D consultation 2 It’s important to take breaks when working at a computer. A frequent B lots C repeated D often 3 The new Managing Director of the company has just been. ← NEW ENGLISH FILE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE TEST UNIT 6. Notify me of new comments via email. English Verb Tenses. Correct Tense Usage.

1 Test 1 Match the questions with the correct responses. 1 Do you think you’ll get the job? 2 Do you live near the town centre? 3 Would you like to go out with me tonight? 4 Did you have to go for an interview?

5 Have you sorted out that problem yet? 6 Don’t you think the medical officers were rather strict?

A Yes, but I didn’t want to. B Well, they had to be. C No, I still haven’t managed to. D Yes, I’m hoping to. E No, but I used to.

F Yes, I’d love to. 0.5 points for each correct answer 3 2 Complete the responses with the words in the box and to.

Beginning afraid planning allowed hope promised 1 A I’m sorry, but I can’t help you today. 2 A Would you like to emigrate to Australia? B Yes, in fact one day I. 3 A Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? B I thought you’d get angry and I was.

4 A Are the roses flowering yet? B Not all of them, but some are. 5 A Why don’t you leave the office early? B I would, but the boss says we’re not. 6 A Did Pete meet up with Kate yesterday? I know he was.

0.5 points for each correct answer 3 3 Cross out the words in B that can be omitted. 1 A Make sure you take your passport. B Don’t worry, I will take it. 2 A Would you stay in this country if you could?

B Yes, I would stay if I could. 3 A Do you think the others got lost on the way? B Yes, they might have got lost.

N A M E: 4 A I didn’t bring any money with me. B Oh – you should have brought some. 5 A Do you think the border guards are expecting us? B They could be expecting us.

6 A Maybe that man was working for them. B Yes, he might have been working for them. 0.5 points for each correct answer 3 4 Write a positive and a negative short response.

Example: He’s been very busy recently. Positive: Yes, he has. Negative: No, he hasn’t. 1 Jenny speaks Greek well.

Positive: Negative: 2 Are you staying in tonight? Positive: Negative: 3 Both trains were running late. Positive: Negative: 4 They’ll change the law soon. Positive: Negative: 5 Most immigrants arrived in the 19th century. Positive: Negative: 6 He should have been sent to prison.

Positive: Negative: 7 You’d have won if you’d tried harder. Positive: Negative: 8 They’ll have been waiting for us.

Positive: Negative: 1 point for each correct answer 8 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. So too neither either though 1 I wouldn’t like to live there, and would you. 2 Paul doesn’t like Indian food. 3 I won’t be staying here, and the others won’t,.

Ww greener gp shotgun serial numbers. 4 Carla’s intelligent, and is her brother. 5 My family come from Hungary, and hers do.

0.5 points for each correct answer 2.5. 6 Which countries are these people from? 1 A Pole 2 A Spaniard 3 A Dutchman 4 A Turk 5 A Swede 6 A Frenchwoman 7 A Scot 8 An Afghan 9 A Welshman 10 A Dane 0.5 points for each correct answer 5 7 Complete the nationalities in each group with the same ending. 1 Brit Dan Pol Scott Span Swed Turk 2 Argentin Austral Belg Ital Peruv 3 Cze Dut Fren 4 Iceland 5 Sw 6 Americ Germ Keny 0.5 points for each correct answer 3 8 Which languages are spoken in these countries? 1 Wales 2 China 3 Syria 4 Peru 0.5 points for each correct answer 2. 9 American or British English?