Vijeo Citect 7 2 Cracking

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> > > Citect.ini Parameters Citect.ini Parameters in 7.20 This topic lists the parameters that have been added or changed in version 7.20 of Vijeo Citect. It includes: • • • • New Parameters The following parameters are new in version 7.20. For an entire list of the system parameters, refer to the documentation. Alarm Parameters [Alarm.ClusterName.ServerName]DisableConnection Specifies if a client will not connect to a server. [Alarm.ClusterName.ServerName]Priority Specifies the client priority for the server connection. [Alarm]ReloadBackOffTime Back-off time configured to control the pace of the reload on an alarm server.

Client Parameters [Client]AutoLoginClearPassword When set to 1 the cache is cleared of any client login credentials for consistency with the [Server]AutoLoginClearPassword ini parameter. [Client]DisableDisplay Sets whether to allow the client process to run in the background without a visible window. [Client]EvictTimeout Sets the amount of time a tag reference is cached before it is evicted. [Client]PartOfTrustedNetwork Tells a Client process to attempt to authenticate using the stored server password. It is automatically set by the Computer Setup Wizard.

[Client] StalenessPeriod Number of seconds to use for tag staleness period. [Client]StalenessPeriodTolerance Staleness period tolerance CtAPI Parameters [CtAPI]RoundToFormat Indicates to the user if values rounded to format. CtDraw.RSC Parameters [CtDraw.RSC]AllowEditSuperGeniePage When set enables the user to choose whether or not to open and edit a Super Genie page. CtEdit Parameters [CtEdit]CompileSuccessfulCommand Indicates to the compiler an optional command, script or batch file to execute after a successful compile. [CtEdit]CompileUnsuccessfulCommand Indicates to the compiler an optional command, script or batch file to execute after an unsuccessful compile.

[CtEdit]Starter Specifies the directory where the starter projects are located. Debug Parameters [Debug]ArchiveFiles Archives log files once the size specified by [Debug]MaximumFileSize is reached. [Debug]CategoryFilter Allows you to filter logging messages by component category.

[Debug]CategoryFilterMode Enables logging of categories declared by the [Debug]CategoryFilter value. [Debug]EnableLogging Enables or disables the logging mechanism. [Debug]MaximumFileSize Sets the maximum size for a log file.

[Debug]Priority Allows you to filter logging messages according to their priority. [Debug]SeverityFilter Allows you to filter logging messages according to their severity. [Debug]SeverityFilterMode Enables logging of severities declared by the [Debug]SeverityFilter value.

General Parameters [General]MiniumlUpdateRate Specifies the time period (sec) at which a DataSource will send tag update value notifications to the subscription clients. [General]StalenessPeriod Specifies the time period (sec) after which a tag value is considered to be “stale” if it was not updated during this period. IOServer Parameters [IOServer]EnableEventQueue Enables the event queue. [IOServer]MaxEventsDrop Sets the number of events that are dropped when too many are queued. [IOServer]MaxEventsQueued Sets the total number of events that can be queued. [IOServer]MaxTimeInQueueMs Sets the total time for which an event can be queued. LAN Parameters [LAN]AllowRemoteReload Enables remote reloading of servers from a client.

[LAN]ClientRetryTime Sets the length of time between connection attempts by a client. [LAN]EarliestLegacyVersion Specify the minimum legacy version from which the current version will accept connections. [LAN]HighWaterMark The number of messages waiting to be sent on a particular network connection at which the high water mark event will occur. [LAN]KeepAliveInterval Sets the length of time between two keep alive transmissions by the client. [LAN]KeepAliveTime Sets the length of time between two keep alive transmissions in idle conditions. [LAN]ListenerRetryTime Sets the length of time a server waits between attempts to listen for a client connection.

[LAN]LowWaterMark After the high water mark has been reached on a particular network connection, the low water mark represents the number of messages waiting to be sent at which we will resume normal operations. [LAN]NoSocketDelay Switches off the delay on a socket caused by the use of the Nagle algorithm.

Vijeo Citect 7 2 Cracking

[LAN]ReadOnlyLegacyConnections When set to 1 version 7.10 clients can only communicate in read-only mode.This parameter overrides 'EarliestLegacyVersion'. Multi-Monitor Parameters (CSV Include project) [MultiMonitor]DisableAutoStart Disables the new multi-monitor functionality. Rpg maker xp 105 crack. Page Parameters [Page]AddDefaultMenu Determines whether to add the default menu items to the tabbed menu bar.