Download Ppt On Space Robotics

Space robotics • 1. ADAMS ENGINEERING COLLEGE PALVANCHA PAPER PRESENTATION ON SPACE ROBOTICS BY SATHYA MADDUKURI • SPACE ROBOTICS • CONTENTS:  INTRODUCTION  BASIC WORKING PRINCIPLE  TECHNOLOGY  TYPES OF BOTS  FUTURE MISSION  CONCLUSION • INTRODUCTION:  The space environment represents one of the most challenging applications of robotics.  Robotics is a field that has been magnified by its association to space research.  The most important thing to note is that the scale of success in space systems is same as that for biological systems i.e., “SURVIVAL OFTHE FITTEST” • What is space research?  “SPACE”, the word itself signifies something infinite.

 Space travel has always been dangerous and any unexpected event can cause death.  It is here that the robots play a huge role and help mankind in his research process. • WHY ROBOTS?

16-735, Howie Choset with slides from G.D. Dodds, and Dinesh Mocha Robotic Motion Planning: Configuration Space Robotics Institute 16-735.

 They can work efficiently in a hostile, non- terrestrial environment.  Planetary surfaces can be explored more cheaply and quickly.

 Expensive and dangerous extra vehicular activities can be reduced. • BASIC WORKING PRINCIPLE  A Robot is a collection of controllers, sensors, actuators; radio communication and power supply and each of them are powered by various software’s. • Evolution of robots  SHAKEY (1966-1972):  It is based on the SPA (sense, plan and action) algorithm. It is used in built world modules to match and worked accordingly.  FLOW CHART: • HYBRID SYSTEMS (2000-??)  FLOW CHART:  The next generation of system is called as probabilistic robots, which are under development and research.

• key technologies used:  Mapping and navigation  One of the basic functions of a space robot is to navigate its way cleverly through all obstacles that come in its way. Mapping and navigation comprise of three more technologies  Obstacle avoidance  Mapping  Path planning •  Planning: It is a feature by which a robot understands the situation and decides a strategy to tackle it.  Sequencing: Selection of a particular skill set which would result in perfect execution of a plan.

 Control: Performing the selected skill set to perfection. • Types of Robots in space:  There are 3 basic types of robots in space and all the robots sent to space come under these types only.  Planetary Rovers:  It is the most advanced form of robotics technology used in space research.They are the robots, which explore, navigate and research themselves with the least human intervention; they analyze the data collected and send the results back to earth. •  IN-orbit Operators:  They are the robots, which assist an astronaut during his space mission. For example a robot can be designed specially to refuel a shuttle thus helping the astronaut to remain in his shuttle and accomplish various tasks without any risk to their lives • Mineralogy and robots:  Presently humans are facing a huge challenge of exhaustion minerals due to which space exploration is being used specifically for mineralogical purposes  It allows the robot to detect rocks and get precise spectral measurements and validate the data without any human intervention.

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• Current missions:  Voyager 1 Launched on 5 September 1977. Jupiter and Saturn flybys. It escaped from the solar system and is still transmitting useful data.  Mars express Launched on 7th June 2003 and reached Mars on 25 December 2003,etc • Future missions:  Exomars  Due to be launched in 2015.

It will characterize the biological environment on mars, using a descent module and rover, in preparation for subsequent robotic and human exploration. • Conclusion:  We can conclude after all the research that the field of robotics has made serious and positive inroads in the field of space exploration.The various technologies used in robots have made space research cost effective and efficient also.  It has put an end to serious problems like loss of human life and huge expenditures. Robots with near human-like qualities have led to amazing discoveries and have opened up a Pandora’s Box of knowledge and mystery. •  The human mind has created and is creating brilliant technologies, which has made space research as a field to reckon with and simultaneously helped in a huge advancement in the field of robotics.

• Any queries.

Robotics project ppt • 1. Project by-V.Bindiya,Narayana IIT Olympiad School • RoboticsRoboticHistoryRoboticTechnologyTypes of Robots • What is a Robot?A re-programmable, multifunctional,automatic industrial machine designed toreplace human in hazardous work. It canbe used as:-•An automatic machine sweeper•An automatic car for a child to play with•A machine removing mines in a war field•In space•In military, and many more.